Celebrating 3 Years

Romantic, fun, timeless!

Celebrating 3 Years

3 year anniversary

Hard to believe that 3 years ago, I walked down the isle with tears running down my face. I will be the first one to admit that I cried (fine… sobbed!), and those were the biggest tears of joy in my life. I really could’t picture my life without you! Jimmy, you are my rock and my better half. Crazy to think how much has changes in just the last year… we became homeowners, we got a puppy, and we will be welcoming a baby girl into our family very soon. All those things are such great milestones, but it wouldn’t have been this fun if you weren’t by my side. Happy 3 year anniversary baby! I love you!

3 year anniversary

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3 Responses

  1. Prudente Photography says:

    Love you, hunnie! 3 years flew by!

  2. Robby Kenyon says:

    You guys are perfect for one another! Congrats on your anniversary.

  3. Ashley Levesque says:

    Happy Anniversary!

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