Life with four kids… so far

We still need to pinch ourselves… we’re still in disbelief that this is us! These three weeks have been hard and exhausting, but we are learning so much along the way. There is absolutely nothing that we could have done to be fully prepared, but learning it all together as a family is kind of fun. So, when it came to newborn photos, we knew that the traditional cute newborn session is just not us. Our house NEVER SLEEPS, at least not at the same time, and this lifestyle sessions seemed to be way more appropriate for our big family of six. From daily hair do’s to pillow fights, from snuggles to tickle fights, there is always something to laugh or cry about. Sleep deprived, exhausted, and always questioning our parenting decisions, we wanted to reflect here on the first few weeks for our big family, new baby, this new life and our journey. Hopefully the future us, will look back at this and laugh!
- We will be late! For any family outings we need to take our getting ready time and multiply that by 4. As so far (in the short 3 weeks), we haven’t been on time for any family outings. Just as we think that we are making good time, there are diapers that need to be changed, snacks need to be fetched, and tears need to be wiped. Not sure how long this skill takes to master, but one day… we will be on time!
- We NEED a mini van! Not sure if there is anyone in the world who wants a mini van more than us. When we purchased our Toyota Highlander, we did take having four kids into account…BUT… we forgot that each kids come with stuff! Lots of stuff! And the tiny trunk of this great SUV, can’t fit much of anything. So currently, passengers lap (a.k.a. Anya’s lap), is our “trunk” that has stored everything from diaper bags and groceries to big potted lilac plants… MINI VAN, we need you!
- What is down time? We did anticipate a little jealousy… after all bringing home a baby is touch for everyone here. The three older ones absolutely adore their little brother, but now all three are in a serious unannounced competition for our attention. It seems that our children have decided that another baby somehow added more hours to the day, which means we get to go to more places and do more fun things.
- Laundry NEVER ends! How is it a tiny little newborn, creates SO MUCH laundry? The struggle was real with three kids, but now with the newborn in the mix, that pile at times feels like Everest. See, Rory is kind enough to not only dirty his clothes, but spit up and hit everything and everyone around him. Just to magnify that mountain even more…
We could go on, but now sleep deprivation is getting to us, and our bed and a hungry baby calling our names. Vegas had the tagline first, but our household truly lives up to the meaning. Prudente’s- the house that NEVER SLEEPS…
One Response
Such great pictures, guys! ??
Beautiful family of six! ??