ICA Playdate Fun
There was a moment in the last few days of 2018, when we sat down to review our budget… Its frankly been forgotten about, for most of the months of the year. We entered all our expenses and were stunned of the outcome. If we want to meet our financial objective, we need to cut back and be more strategic in our spending. Our biggest goal is of course to provide for our kids and their futures, but without utilizing our budget software to the best of its ability, we knew our goals would not be up to our standards.
At the same time, as a family with 3 kids, we know how important it is for kids to learn new things, explore new place, and make lasting memories. And we know that with a little ambition and planning we can definitely pack our “fun” calendar at a fraction of the cost. One of the things we’ve discovered are the Playdates hosted at the ICA (Institute of Contemporary Art) on the last Saturday of each month, with FREE admission! And between the ICA being absolutely amazing, and their incredible interactive activities set up for kids, we knew it was a win. You can certainly count on us coming back in the next coming months, but here is a little look at what January’s Play Date was like for us.